Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sports Soundoff

This is Sports Sound Off, where you can speak your mind on anything you wish. Because of the large number of calls received, not all can be published.

Jaguars need to hire Arrow -- Joe Gottfried, please hire Ronnie Arrow. Arrow is just exactly what this school needs right now. If you want to get people in the seats, he is the guy for the job. I will be first in line for season tickets if you hire him.

Sounds like the same old Tide -- I was reading about the scrimmage for Alabama yesterday and noticed the offense had turnovers, penalties and unfulfilled chances. Take away the penalties, and it sounds like last year's offense. What do you think?

Saban puts media in their place -- I love seeing all the sports media squirming because Saban won't give them the time of day. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of individuals. They are the first ones to jump on anyone when they are down, and now they are whining when they can't get interviews. I think it is great. Way to go, coach Saban.

Montoya a lot like Cruise in movie -- I watched the Busch Series race and read a lot of articles about Juan Pablo Montoya. Juan Pablo reminds me of Tom Cruise in "Days of Thunder." He hit everything on the race track except the pace car.

Only one qualified to judge -- Must be a lot of people calling in judging Aaron, Pelphrey and Bonds and Tuberville and Saban, people that most of us have never even met and don't even know. How many of you would gladly spend $100 for a football game on a Saturday? Now, how many of you would turn around and go to church the next day? Now if you need to judge, judge that. However, only Jesus is qualified to judge.

Spurrier should stick to coaching -- It is funny how Steve Spurrier can come back to South Carolina and he can tell you what he can fly on the capitol building. My question is, how come he couldn't handle those NFL players? Were they too big and they told him what to do and he couldn't handle that? He can take charge of college players.

Finebaum uses same type of language -- Of all people, Paul Finebaum is complaining about what Imus said? Sure, what Imus said was offensive and deplorable, but the same thing happens on Finebaum's radio show every day. They disparage anybody who wasn't white or from the South, and he makes fun of female athletes, accusing most of them of being gay.

Finebaum should just criticize Tide -- Mr. Finebaum, if you really want Mr. Imus' job, why don't you go to New York and put in an application to get it? Being an outlet for his racist remarks in south Alabama just doesn't suit you. Stick with the University of Alabama.

Finebaum should follow Imus -- Now that we got rid of Don Imus, can we please get rid of Paul Finebaum?

Good time to lose gill nets -- This is a very good time to dispose of the gill nets. With spawning at this time of the year, immeasurable fish would be saved if these gill netters could be compensated and removed.

Coverage not like it used to be -- David Rainer did an excellent job. Your coverage is nothing like it used to be. You need to get another person who can fill the void. It is just pitiful now.


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!

lujie said...

welcome to my blog and give some comments:
thank you.

meow said...

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dont forget to leave a message on wot u think meow


meow said...

ha i am sorry 2 say that if you comper my blog and your blog together yours is very boring and out of color.

dont forget to leave a message on wot u think meow


Administrador said...

Nice post, its a really cool blog that you have here, keep up the good work, will be back.

Warm Regards

Finazio said...

congratulations for your blog!